和諧校園:一站式熱線及輔導服務 | 表格下載 單位簡介 聯絡我們 | | 單位簡介
本學年及2024/25學年將提供「和諧校園:一站式熱線及輔導服務」,為全港中、小學的學生及家長在處理學生朋輩間的衝突問題時,提供專業意見及支援,並推廣關愛校園的信息。如學生或家長遇到任何有關學生朋輩相處、校園/網絡欺凌嘅疑惑或困難,歡迎透過熱線電話5507 1896 、Whatsapp 及 Wechat獲取諮詢及輔導服務。
The Education Bureau has commissioned The Hong Kong Playground Association to provide the "Harmonious School: One-Stop Hotline and Counselling Services" for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 school years. The service aims to provide professional advice and support to students and parents in handling conflicts among student peers, as well as promote a caring school environment. Feel free to reach out for counselling and support services through our hotline at 55071896, WhatsApp, or WeChat.